Call Us: (423) 665-2879

Ready 2 Lose


Ready 2 Lose (9:30 a.m.)


60 Minutes


Beginning to Moderate Intensity / Functional / Low to Moderate Impact


Improves your total body strength, fitness, and toning, giving you the confidence you need to move to the next step of your fitness journey.

Ready 2 Lose is a low to intermediate impact session that lays a solid foundation as you begin your fitness journey and body transformation.

Ready 2 Lose will make you functionally fit for your transformation journey. It combines low impact aerobic movements with functional strength exercises, as well as core and flexibility exercises that will prepare you as you progress in becoming the best version of YOU.

Ready 2 Lose will provide you with exercise modifications that can be used at any fitness level, in any workout, to ensure you maintain the correct intensity you need to decrease body fat, raise your energy level, achieve cardiovascular fitness, and increase your functional strength.

We will provide you with emotional and spiritual support as you transition into this new phase of your life. Ready 2 Lose will help you easily incorporate exercise and nutrition into your daily life so that you will see wonderful results – physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

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